Why Kate Bishop May Be in Multiverse of Madness

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Why Kate Bishop May Be in Multiverse of Madness

Published on Dec 28, 2021 by Amaya Jalal

We all know about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness by now, but, not to brag or anything, I knew about it like, seven months ago. In Spiderman: No Way Home, the teaser trailer was leaked at the end credit scene. America Chavez, a Latinx superhero from the comics, will be coming to MOM, (Multiverse of Madness) and will side amongst Wanda and Stephen. (notice how I put Wanda first, then Stephen, ‘cause she’s more important)

Anyways, besides me crying that Sylvie, Loki, And Mobius were added to the cast list (and then removed 🥲), I was wondering who else would appear. So, I was just roaming Marvel’s website, and saw that they had a new poster for Yelena (super excited), I looked under all people affiliated with her. I saw Kate, Clint, Kazi, Natasha, so on and so forth. So I saw her mother, Eleanor, and was like, “What’s her deal? Wasn’t she supposed to be evil and all? After episode 5?” So I read her biography, and get this: (Sike I’m gonna make you wait)

Okay, it said that Kate’s best friend is America Chavez. Yes, I know, that was only in the comics, but they’ve stayed pretty true to the book (No pun intended) so far. Who’s to say otherwise? Of course, this is purely theoretical (I feel like some Einstein with all these fancy words and statements), and may not happen. But doing further research, it’s rumored to be so. Hawkeye, or Clint Barton may also possibly be joining in on this madness. Although the possible size of their roles are unknown, we can hold on to some sort of hope, at least getting to see them.

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