Who is Maya's Uncle? - Hawkeye

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Who is Maya's Uncle? - Hawkeye

Published on Dec 01, 2021 by Amaya Jalal

This week’s episode of Hawkeye was both thrilling, and curious. We finally meet Clint’s hunter, and the group affiliated with her (the tracksuit mafia, named by Kate). We get a little background on her, and even find out her name is Maya. Maya Lopez, to be exact. And we hear her father tell her her uncle will pick her up. Kazi, her friend and henchman also tell her they shouldn’t upset uncle. Who is uncle? Prepare to have your mind blown.

First things first: I went and checked the cast list. The actor, Alaqua Cox, popped up. Maya looked just like her. But there was this one thing. Small, little, itty-bitty thing. Under her name, it didn’t say Maya Lopez. It said Echo.

Me, being a huge nerd, and remembering every single little detail, I remembered that Marvel announced a show, Echo. So then I went on Marvel’s website, and searched for Echo. And there it was. It had popped up, and with Maya Lopez in parenthesis. I clicked on it, and read through the bio. It said that after her father had died, her “Uncle” took care of her. Her uncle was her father’s business partner, both being criminals. Her father’s business partner was Wilson Fisk, AKA Kingpin.

Nope, I’m not kidding. Even though this was according to the comics, that fact that Marvel has stayed this true to the character so far, it’s more than likely to happen. Also, ummm… HELLOOO!!! One of the greatest, meanest, most popular (and don’t forget oversized), villain is coming to the MCU! Kingpin is by far one of the most popular characters in Marvel, and while we have seen him in other films, he’s never, ever been to the MCU!!

Enjoy Hawkeye, and stay tuned to await Kingpin’s arrival!

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