Who is Black Widow's Birth Mother?

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Who is Black Widow's Birth Mother?

Published on Dec 02, 2021 by Amaya Jalal

Raise your hand if you cried after Black Widow. I mean, there were two horrible, awful things. These two things made me think. And cry. First off, Yelena visited her sisters grave. Like, I mean, come on. Oh also Valentina tricking Yelena into thinking Clint killed Nat. (That woman) And second, Natasha never found out who her birth mother was. She technically never will. A revelation occurred to a friend of mine. They came up to me, and said, “Do you remember Whiplash from Iron Man 2?” Heck ya I did! “Well, the guy, his name was Ivan. Ivan Vanko, to be exact. Now. Remember Endgame?” Who on Earth (And definitely the other eight realms), could forget such a treacherous event??? “Well, the Red Skull had addressed Natasha by calling her daughter of Ivan.”

Yes, geez I’m getting to it. Right. Yes, Ivan Vanko is her father. Who’s her mother though? She’s the real mystery. After my friend told me this, I cried for a little while, and then after composing myself, my friend searched up the wife of Ivan Vanko. Wanna know what came up? Isabella Vanko.

huh what im sorry cool yo uhhh

Doing some further research into Isabella Vanko, my friend saw she was part of The Winter Guard, or a group of Russian superheros Marvel released. Isabella was part of this group. Only it didn’t say that. It listed a bunch of names, yada yada yada, but I froze when I saw what one of the names was. The Crimson Dynamo was listed here.

Hold on a minute. I remembered that in Black Widow, Yelena had told Alexei, “All you want to talk about is your days as the Crimson Dynamo, and no one cares about that.” And then Alexei responds with, “It’s the Red Guardian.” Doing more research, the Crimson Dynamo is a character at which several people portrayed in the comics. It could be Ivan and/or Isabella.

No, I’m not kidding! Let’s just hope that when Yelena arrives in Hawkeye (whoops did I spoil that), she figures it out, and lets Natasha rest in peace, knowing the truth of her identity. (Maybe even see her mother in Heaven??) In the meantime, since I kind of spoiled it, enjoy Hawkeye and wait for Yelena’s arrival!!! I know I’ve been anxious for two weeks straight waiting to see her!!! In the meantime, enjoy some art and have a wonderful week!

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