Two Sad Things in Loki and Hawkeye

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Two Sad Things in Loki and Hawkeye

Published on Jan 01, 2022 by Amaya Jalal

Okay. I know what you’re thinking. “If you’re writing about something sad, you chose the worst picture in the history of pictures!!” So?!! I saw the picture, and thought it was hilarious. Anyway, two things that are going to blow your mind, and also maybe leave you in tears.

Loki Sad Thing

So, you know how in episode one, how Mobius showed Loki his embarrassing life? Well, after Loki escaped, he looked through all the saddest moments in his life. He then came across his death. He watched in disgust as the giant purple chin Thanos choked him to death. But wait. The file didn’t end after he was chocked. It ended after Thor embraced Loki, and mourned. Which means, Loki was still alive to feel his brother embrace him for one. Last. Time.

Hawkeye Sad Thing

Natasha Romanoff. Clint’s best friend. After she passed, he was hopelessly sad. Then Kate came around and brightened his day. Yelena Belova. Natasha’s sister. She is trying to kill Clint, right? Kate intercepts, and tries to stop her. All throughout the Kate and Yelena’s appearance together, they are bonding. Just Like Natasha and Clint did.

Your mind blown yet? Are you on verge of tears? (Sorry) These were random thoughts that came to my head because I’m obsessed with Marvel and literally cannot ever think about anything else. No biggie 😉.

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