Three Things You Missed in Loki

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Three Things You Missed in Loki

Published on Jan 16, 2022 by Amaya Jalal

Hey! Anyone else obsessing over Phase four and looking for spoilers and easter eggs everywhere? ME TOO!!!

In Loki, there are three things you did not see, or notice. They will blow. your. mind.

Mystery Madam

Look at this image. Who does that dashing young woman look like? I’ll give you second to guess.

That person you see, is speculated to be Margaret “Peggy” Carter. Does the name ring a bell? That’s Captain America’s love/interest. Now look at the image below:

First, when zoomed in, you can make it out better. But then, we realize she has worn this outfit before in her fabulous wardrobe. By the way, I highly recommend Agent Carter TV series. It’s amazing, a combo of science fiction and spy/espionage.

God in the sky

At fist, this image doesn’t look like much. But many have speculated that this is Loki, looking up a the sky, looking for a particular someone. This is one of the saddest scenes. Let me explain. Thunder, and lighting surround them. Whilst Mobius, B-15, D-90 and others are anxious to catch the variant, Loki is looking up at the thunder, to see if his brother is there.

Told you it was sad!

Who’s file?

So. Remember in episode two, Loki was going through the files of himself to catch the variant. He actually read a certain someone’s file, but brushed it off. Wanna see?

That’s right. Because Loki didn’t know who Sylvie was, he disregarded it, and continued his research.

I hope you enjoyed these easter eggs!

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