Sylvie's Nexus Event Theories

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Sylvie's Nexus Event Theories

Published on Oct 17, 2021 by Amaya Jalal

Let’s admit; Sylvie is one of the MCU’s most interesting characters. She is very intriguing, quirky, and powerful. I mean, COME ON! She can take people’s minds over!! Control them like a puppeteer. (I like to think of Loki as a Magician, actually Sylvie’s nickname for him, and she as a puppeteer. A circus of mischief and madness!) No one else we know can do that! If you remember, in episode four, The Nexus Event child Sylvie was playing with figurines, before a Hunter that we recognize as Ravonna Renslayer takes her away. What happened there? What was her nexus event? I have two theories.

Theory 1

This was the first thing I thought about. If you rewind the scene mentioned earlier, or watch captions, you see mentions of a Valkyrie. HOLY COW. You thinking what I’m thinking? She wanted to be a Valkyrie. SPOILER ALERT. Since Sylvie is a female version of Loki, and Loki is never meant to be a Valyrie, that interferes with her destined path. Enter “The boring, oppressive, time police” as Sylvie states in episode three. First off, a girl Loki isn’t even supposed to exist; now that the TVA has a reason to capture her, they will not hesitate. Sad, but also at the same time ridiculously creative. Thank you Michael Waldron and Kate Herron.

Theory 2

This is one all you softies are going to love. Let’s take a look at Loki. A mischievous scamp. Killed 80 people in two days. Is a genocidal maniac. Loves daggers and all things sharp. So, he’s a nutcase. Now, Sylvie, at least child Sylvie was playing save Asgard. Save her people, her home, her loved ones. She knew that Asgard wasn’t her real home, but she still wanted to save it, if danger ever came. And if we remember, when she was captured, she screamed at Renslayer to help the man who’s arm was being twisted, a man who was clearly in pain to help him. Ehem! Loki wouldn’t even care, even as a child! So the second theory is that Sylvie is a good hearted Loki, and isn’t supposed to be. She has to be an evil Loki, like she is destined to be. Blasted, evil, TVA.

While we have yet to see what her nexus event is, since Ravonna doesn’t remember, those are some possible, very likely ideas to contemplate. Have a wonderful week!

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