...Remember It: Theories and Hints on X-Men '97

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...Remember It: Theories and Hints on X-Men '97

Published on Apr 12, 2024 by Amaya Jalal

Essentially, I refuse to accept Gambit’s death, leading me to write this article. I also noticed A LOT of things when watching that episode. Not sure how I even saw anything through all the tears 🥲.

Anyways, prepare for the fusion of the X-Men and the Avengers!!!

The Watcher

Right before the big battle and sentinel invasion, the outline of the Watcher was visible. He has previously said, he observes when watershed moments are to occur. This of course, would be a moment nobody forgot. (I wish I could forget it 😭)

Not only was this a clue during the show, but it opens up several opportunities. Since X-Men ‘97 is also an animated show, the X-Men could have their own episodes in What If…?, and potentially interact with other characters?? We know that What If..? is canonical and all part of the MCU, so this could be the slow integration of the X-Men we’ve all been waiting for! It started with Supreme Strange, it might just be Storm next!!

The Savage Lands

When Rogue is explaining Magneto’s proposal of her becoming the Queen of Genosha 😡😤 to Gambit, the flashback shows Rogue and Mystique visiting Magneto, who is sitting on a throne. (very subtle there, Magneto.) Behind him appears to be tropical foliage, and essentially a jungle. We know from the ‘82 show that Magnus created the Savage Lands, after him and Charles or Professor X were trapped their. It’s no surprise that he would be governing over the land he created, and unless he happened to have created another land, this is the only explanation for his being there.

In the comics, Rogue actually also gets trapped in the Savage Lands, and again forms a really weird (and sick) relationship with Magneto. She also happens to be wearing the same clothes from that comics series.

Wanda’s Line

As Rogue holds a dead Gambit in her arms, she chokes out, “I can’t feel you.” Well no way, he definetely survived a blast that lit up an entire sentinel 🙄. Anyways, if this line felt familiar to you, that’s because it is. Wanda says the same thing when she breaks into the S.W.O.R.D. facility to try and retrieve Vision. She places her hand just above his missing mind stone, and tries to use her powers to feel him. She says the same thing, ironically to another person who literally could not have survived their death. Like. In any way. Like Vision’s severed head was literally on the table. not sure who could survive that, powers or not. I’m just extra cruel to Rogue for her unwarranted confusion between Magneto and Gambit. She’s probably had a traumatic experience, but nonetheless I blame her for what happened.

Notice Gambit also has a tear on the side of his cheek 🥲


Our right-hand man is back from the future. But not with good news. (like he ever is) We discover he is actually the child of Cyclops and Madeline that they sent to the future, but we can also deduce he has a reason for being there. He is clearly trying to change something. Based off of how many people died, we can tell he was trying to stop the attack as a whole, but evidently wasn’t much help. He is the #1 hope of Gambit coming back. By stopping the attack, he prevents Gambit’s death, and unfortunately also Magneto’s 😤.

However, we can keep up hope that Gambit could come back thanks to Cable!!

Queen of Hearts Symbolism

When Rogue visits Magneto in episode 2 of ‘97, Gambit is outside listening. Upon listening to their conversation, he drops the queen of hearts card from his hand, seeing that Rogue has feelings for Magneto 🤢. In episode 5, Gambit listens to her plans as being Queen of Genosha, and throws another queen of hearts into the fireplace. An interesting detail is that the show X-Men: Evolution is most likely the origin of this detail. The show, if you haven’t heard of it, features many X-Men as teens attending Xavier’s school and going on missions as well. yes, it’s a kids show, but guys c’mon so is ‘92. There is an episode where Gambit, who is interestingly not a student, more of an anti-hero, abducts Rogue who is pretty emo 😂 and wants a break from the constant motion at the school. Gambit takes her to Louisiana and the bayou, his home, and reveals he needs her to save his father. While traveling there, Rogue asks him why he’s so obsessed with cards, and he talks about how the queen of hearts is the card he always saves for last, since the card superstitiously always gets him out of trouble. At the end of the episode, he slips the card in her hand, and she keeps it.

I am so glad they are trying to connect all the little shows and details. It shows organization and thought, which I can truly appreciate.

(Rogue from X-Men Evolution 🤣)

Captain America

Alright. In a clip marvel released on YouTube titled, “War,” Captain America’s shield is launched at someone’s feet. I’m guessing this person is Rogue, since the person’s suit is yellow at the bottom, and trademark of her. YES!! THE INTEGRATION OF THE X-MEN AND AVENGERS!!! It’s finally here, and this means we can expect to see Captain America sometime this season!!!

Thank you so much for reading! Come back soon, will ya!!

See Also

Rogue, Gambit, and the Episode 5 Ending

Rogue, Gambit, and the Episode 5 Ending

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