My First Entry

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My First Entry

Published on Aug 28, 2021 by Amaya Jalal

What is The Radish? (It’s a site my dad conned me into doing so that I can learn code.) No really, what do I do here? First off. I LOVE MARVEL AND STAR WARS, and needed to get my thoughts out! Who sent the ads in WandaVision? Is Loki actually a bad guy? How EXACTLY did Anakin Skywalker turn into Darth Vader? Is Rey a descendent of Palpatine? (Whoops. Spoiler alert. A little too late 😅)

The Radish is here to answer your burning pop culture questions. Because guess what? You’re not the only one who wants to know things. Not only that, but we can just give you a little laugh here and there. (I have the worlds largest Loki meme collection. My dad watches our iCloud storage skyrocket every month, and I continue hitting that “Save to Photos” button.) We not only talk about pop culture, but we discuss educational things too. Like mythology! Anyone wondering why the sky’s been looking like Muspelheim lately? Or we could even discuss why even Athena herself has an ego! Whatever you use The Radish for, I want to welcome you, and let you know you’re not the only nerd in the room!

Loki variants rushing to read the latest article:

Welcome to The Radish!!!

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