Doctor Strange Poster Details

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Doctor Strange Poster Details

Published on Mar 09, 2022 by Amaya Jalal

Since last week, there’s been lots if buzz around easter eggs in the Doctor Strsange 2 trailer. I know I have an article already with a few details, but we have some regarding the poster for the official film this time. First things first. Look at this poster:

Cool, right? The entire poster is AMAZING. No denying that. But, there are also a lot of details.


I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a billion times; I can’t wait for the Illuminati to come to the MCU. No hiding it now, Marvel. If you look in the left a little, towards the edge , there’s an eye.

The Illuminati is actually a government organization that is fairly secret. If you look at a dollar bill, you’ll see a pyramid with an eye in it. That’s the sign. Marvel adapted that of course, and I think it’s clever. This eye in the poster pretty much confirms the Illuminati’s arrival.

Captain Carter

Again, refer to the poster image first. Then listen to this. In the poster, at the bottom right, there is a shard that has circular looking bristish flag. It’s circular shape may entails its shield, therefore, making it the sheild of Captain Carter, from What If..?.

So. A lot to digest. I know. But prepare yourself, cause there’s more. This makes sense, since in What If..? it was all about different univereses and the concept of a multiverse. We can confirm her appearance, since director of Loki, Kate Herron said that when Stever Rogers went back in time to put the stones back, and live his life with Peggy, he did indeed mess things up. Hence, confirming Peggy’s appearance in episode 1.

The even crazier part of it, was that Peggy’s gonna be in the MCU’s Illuminati 🤯.

Yeah. That’s right. When zooming in on the scene in the trailer with Doctor Strange being taken to a council of some sort, her shadow and shield was made out.


Last detail. In the top left corner, a piece with a kinda shimmer. very nice. If you look so extremely carefully, there is a figure. Look at it and see if you can guess it.

This person appears to be red, and holding something up. Any guesses? The next image will reveal it. This image was made clearer by someone on the web. take a look:

Deadpool is rumored to appear. See you next week! Bye!!

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